3793 - Electropneumatic positioner


The positioner Type 3793 is innovative electropneumatic positioner of the latest generation which round off our product range. This new type of positioner with modular design is designed for high-end applications. High air capacities and variable outputs, e.g. double-acting control, can be achieved by using pneumatic modules that can be exchanged or retrofitted.

Optional additional functions, such as limit switches, position transmitters, or binary inputs and outputs, can be added to the positioners on site as option modules. This allows positioners to be easily adapted to customer requirements at any time.

Extensive diagnostics, communication using the HART® protocol, ease of operation with a multilingual plain-text display, and a protected noncontact sensor system contribute to making the positioner a top-of-the-range device.

  • Použití pro: zdvihové a otočné pohony
  • Zdvih/úhel natočení: 3,6 až 300mm / 24 až 170°
  • Displej: alfanumerické LCD
  • Přípustná okolní teplota: –55 až +85 °C
  • Nevýbušné provedení: bez, Ex ia, Ex nA
  • Komunikační protokol: HART
  • Vlastnosti: Automatická kalibrace a inicializace, diagnostika, modulární systém

მწარმოებელი: SAMSON

შესაბამისი დოკუმენტები
Mounting and Operating InstructionsEB8493EN
EXPERT+ diagnosticsT83892EN

ინდუსტრიული სექტორები
