3731-5 - Explosion-proof electro-pneumatic positioner (FF)
The Type 3731 electro-pneumatic positioner series is designed to work with general industrial applications where explosion proof enclosed devices are required.
The positioner series includes HART (3731-3) and Foundation Fieldbus (3731-5) communication version both with full function parameterization and advanced diagnostics. Full function parameterization includes characterizing the reference variable, travel range, characteristic (i.e. linear and equal percentage), and performance characteristics (i.e. PID control coefficients).
Advanced diagnostics includes status message logging, data logging, histograms (travel setpoint deviation, and cycle counter), drive signals (steady and hysteresis), end position trending, static characteristic testing, partial stroke testing, and full stroke testing.
- Použití pro: Zdvihové nebo otočné pohony
- Zdvih/uhol natočenia: 3,6 až 200mm / 24 až 100°
- Displej: alfanumerické LCD
- Komunikační protokol: FOUNDATION fieldbus
- Přípustná okolní teplota: –40 až +80 °C
- Nevýbušné provedení: Ex d, Ex db
- Vlastnosti: Automatická kalibrace a inicializace, diagnostika, zpětná vazba