3271 - Pneumatic diaphragm actuator
The Type 3271 pneumatic rolling diaphragm actuator is designed for all industrial applications. This actuator is a linear motion device ideal for valve sizes ranging from micro-flow valves to large 20”+ globe control valves. The thrust force of the actuator depends on the actuator area, pneumatic supply pressure, spring stiffness, distance traveled, initial compression of the spring, number of springs internal to the actuator, etc.
- Plocha membrány: 120 až 2x2800 cm2
- Jmenovitý zdvih: 7,5 až 160mm
- Síla pohonu: 0.72 až 151.2 kN
- Varianty: ruční kolo, omezení zdvihu, požární pojistka
მწარმოებელი: SAMSON
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