2404-1 - Pressure reducing valve with pilot valve for small set point ranges
The pilot operated Type 2404-1 pressure reducing valve is preferably used for the precise control of inert gas in tank blanketing applications. The inert gas (usually nitrogen) is applied to protect the product inside the tank from reacting with the ambient atmosphere.
The Type 2404-1 pressure reducing valve regulates the excess pressure of the inert gas to a constant pressure within the millibar range. The pressure regulator ensures that the pressure in the tank remains constant during pumpout operations. Furthermore, adverse weather conditions, e.g. a sudden temperature drop, can affect the pressure inside the tank. In both cases, inert gas flows into the tank until the pressure reaches adjusted set point.
- Rozsah nastavení: 3 až 100 mbar (0.045 až 1.5 psi)